Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another Baby movie

He may be tired, and need to sneeze, but he is not so sure about the camera.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gigi's outfit and Great Grandma's booties

And now wearing a beatifu; fall look by carter baby and vintage booties from Great grandma it's


Heavy sleeper

So he is getting sleep like this, us... not so much.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

God bless You!!

His latest trick is the sneeze. Wait for it...wait for it. He cover his mouth, he is already more polite then his dad.

Mom and Dad

I realized there are very few pictures of Jessica and I on this blog, so I thought I would post a few. What is interesting is right now Jessica is staying up later to feed him, and just not getting as much sleep as I am, but the few pictures we have would definetely say otherwise.

The Gun Show

From the time he was born we knew Titus was strong. whether it pulling his legs against us while we change him, or taking his arms out of the blankets no matter how tight we swaddle him, he is a strong little guy. Recently I think he has realized how strong he is and has begun to flex for us.

The Milk Coma

We have learned somethig else about our little hero, the doctors call it a milk Coma. After he feeds for about 30 minutes and he is completely full, he drifts off to sleep against his will. His arms slowly fall, his eyelids struggle to stay open, he shakes his head to try and stay awake to eat, but his efforts are to no avail, the milk coma overcomes him.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Most of the time hiccups are pretty annoying, especially when you are trying to watch a movie, or at church and the guy behind you has hiccups and they are really loud, and everytime he makes that annoying breath in real fast sound and you just want to... You know what I'm saying...I guess I'm the only one who has been there. Anyway, Titus's are really cute.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Titus's first bath

Well it was a monumental day in the life of our little hero - he had his first bath. The Sharkey men have many proud traditions, several of which involve bathing. One has to do with singing in the bath tub; Titus can't talk but juding by his screaming he may be a singer yet. The other is that we would rather be dirty than clean, which it seems he has taken after. You can see for yourslf what I'm talking about. these are recorded in a sequence.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A spittin' image

Okay so we were talking about who he looks like, and my mom sent me a picture of me at about one year old. take a look at this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Hammer has dropped

Please welcome Titus Joshua Sharkey to the world. This little one was born on April 15th 2008, he was 8 lbs 3 ozs and screaming his lungs out. Mom is doing great, in fact I came to the conclusion after watching our little man make his entrance, that if men had to have the babies the human race would have died off many years ago. Here's to you woman, you school men in the pain tolerance department.

You may be wondering about his name. Well here was our criteria for choosing his name.
1. His name can't be something that everyone has
2. His name has to be easy to spell
3. His name has to be able to be shortened or lend itself to a good nickname
4. His name must mean something we want him to become.

Obviously Titus isn't your every day name, i think it ranks like 500 or something like that. Its easy to spell in fact in wheel of fortune you might not even have to buy a vowel to figure it out. If he doesn't like it he can choose to be called "Ti", or eve go by his initials, "T.J.". Lastly His name means hero and who doesn't want their child to be a hero?

I'm pretty sure our son is the most attractive baby ever born, but I could be a little bias (but I think I'm probably right).

well now for the reason you came, the pics.